CLAN Member Bylaws
1. Active Participation: Each member of Catholic Ladies’ Adventures in Nature (CLAN) must host and/or attend at least one event per calendar year in order to keep the organization active and to successfully follow the CLAN mission statement.
2. Inclusivity: (1) Non-Catholic ladies are very welcome to join events but must support the CLAN mission to offer nature events that unite Catholic ladies in prayer, beliefs, and interests. (2) All members are encouraged to plan/host events, which should be openly shared in your local CLAN chapter group with details included for participation. (3) It is recommended to offer a variety of options to accommodate a range of physical abilities and ages (i.e., distance/mileage, trail difficulty levels, and stairs vs. paved paths).
3. Family: Families (husbands, children, grandparents) are welcome to join on occasional events. These family events must be approved by the local CLAN chapter leader to ensure a balance of continuing the CLAN mission to support Catholic female friendships.
4. Children: Children of members are allowed to attend events if this offers members more frequent ability to participate. However, a primary priority of this organization is to provide Catholic women with friendship opportunities and this mission should not be deprioritized. Homeschool moms in the club are also welcome to plan separate nature-themed field trips that are centered around the CLAN mission.
5. Prayer: Group prayer is not required during CLAN events but is highly encouraged to be included because the Catholic Faith is the primary aspect that unites CLAN members. Group prayer should not detract from the CLAN mission and camaraderie. Examples of group prayer include a rosary around a campfire, the Angelus before lunch, and prayer before/after events. Attendees/hosts should share their requests for prayer during events, and an individual should feel supported if she requests participants to pray together.
6. Removal from the group and/or events: The CLAN founder and chapter leaders reserve the right to revoke CLAN participation if an individual does not cheerfully support the CLAN mission statement, isn’t kind to their fellow members, and/or does not align in word and work (verbally or outwardly) with the teachings of the Catholic Faith.
7. Disclaimer/Legal: The information shared on the CLAN website and in the CLAN Facebook groups is not from professional expertise and should not be relied upon for medical health or personal safety. The CLAN club organization, the CLAN Facebook group members and administrators, all CLAN members, and the CLAN founder, are not liable or responsible for any injuries, damages, loss, or penalties that may occur as a result of club events, conversations, or travel. When a person participates in a CLAN event, that person indicates acknowledgement and acceptance of the event conditions and agrees that no legal liability is incurred by the group members or organizers.
©2022 Joanna Luisi Reinhardt, CLAN Founder